U.S. Veteran's Day Salute

MISD Veteran's Day Salute

Master Chief A.J. Cunha, and his daughter, Grace, MHS Freshman, produced a Veteran's Day video in honor of Veteran's Day for Michael Koebbe's MMS eighth grade social studies class. Master Chief served 20 years active duty with the U.S. Navy.

Master Chief has assisted Mr. Koebbe's classroom instruction for the past three years on various projects.

Master Chief Cunha is married to Natalie, they are the parents of four children, Grace, Trevor, MHS sophomore, Miles, MMS sixth grade, and Sunny, MES second grade.

Special thanks to Master Chief and his daughter, Grace, for our Veteran's Day Special Presentation.

The MISD salutes our Veteran's today and thanks them for their service to our country.


To Watch Video click on link:
