2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Murray Independent School District
Proficient & Distinguished: Reading - Elementary 71% | Middle 62% | High 60% Math - Elementary 70% | Middle 63% | High 58%
Reading Proficient: Elementary 37% | Middle 29% | High 29% | Distinguished: Elementary 34% | Middle 33% | High 31%
Math Proficient: Elementary 38% | Middle 34% | High 33% | Distinguished: Elementary 32% | Middle 29% | High 25%
Murray, Ky., Oct 3---Murray Independent School District is proud to celebrate...
Murray High School principal, Tony Jarvis, announced that Ayamei Willet has been named ...
During the Murray Independent School District September Board of Education meeting, Mor...
Amolika Chanda and Kerry Vu, Murray High School seniors, have been named Semi...
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The Murray Independent School District proudly proclaims a tradition of excellence that extends back almost a 150 years.
Murray City Schools
Successful for Every Student, Every Day
The Murray Independent School District is organized into an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school.
Rich in Success & Tradition
The Murray Independent School District athletic program provides many opportunities for its students.
Employment Opportunities
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Murray Independent School District is a community of leaders and learners. Our school district represents a great opportunity for educators to grow and develop professionally.
More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card:
Murray Independent School District Report Card
District Schools
Murray Elementary
111 Broach Street
(270) 753-5022
7:25am - 2:25pm
Murray Middle School
801 Main Street
(270) 753-5125
7:55am - 3:00pm
Murray High School
1800 Sycamore Street
(270) 753-5202
8:15am - 3:10pm
Murray/Calloway County Area Technology Center
126 Robertson Rd S
(270) 753-1870
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