Family Resource & Youth Services Center

fryscThe Family Resource & Youth Service Center has as it's mission to remove the barriers to a child's success in school. The Center puts parents in touch with people and organizations who are trained to help with social and/or financial problems. It also organizes programs and provides services in such areas as job/career counseling, parenting, youth enrichment, and childcare.

Our center offers a unique blend of programs and services determined by the needs of the our students and families, our available resources, and other local characteristics.

Our FRYSC has established a record of success based on improved student performance in class work, homework and peer relations as reported by teachers. Parents, too, report they experience greater satisfaction and involvement with the schools as a result of assistance through our local FRYSC. 

More About FRYSC

involved everywhere

The Family Resource Youth Service Center in conjuncton with the Tiger Den at Murray High School does so much to help the students and families of the Murray Indepdendent School District. Below is just some of the things they do!

  1. Back to School Blast
  2. Child Abuse Awareness
  3. Community Closet
  4. Counseling and Care
  5. Career Day
  6. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
  7. Referrals to Health & Social Service
  8. Tutoring Programs
Photo of Morgan Carman

Morgan Carman

Social Worker

Photo of Andrea Morris

Andrea Morris

The Den Youth Services Center Coordinator